Saturday, May 9, 2009


Definition of an orphan

An orphan is a child under 18 years who has lost one or both parents.
A social orphan is a child who has been abandoned and his or her parents cannot be traced.

Assistance given to Orphans

Once they have been identified and assessed orphans are provided with food, clothing, educational necessities, shelter, protection and care. Food basket ranges between P216.60 and P350.00.

Orphans who Turn 18 years of age and exit the Programme

Persons who exit the Orphan Care Programme after attaining the age of 18 years should be immediately assessed by the social workers to ensure continuum of care. This should be a smooth transition which enhance their livelihoods and safeguard them from any consequential trauma that could arise from any delays in giving them due care and support.

These persons should be given a full support particularly in relation to scholastic materials to facilitate their schooling and enhance their positive development. Social workers should make sure that there are no delays or gaps whatsoever in providing them with the necessary services timely under the pretext that they are still awaiting assessment. Any unwarranted delays could only jeopardise their schooling and subject them to emotional distress. There should be no disparity between the package they received under the Orphan care programme and the one they receive under the Destitute Persons Policy because that would traumatise them further

Councils should facilitate a continuum of care for persons exiting the Orphan Care programme without any delay.

Formulate and review policies: Development of the National Policy on Orphans and Vulnerable children

The national Policy on Orphans and Vulnerable children intends to provide guidance to service providers and other stakeholders on the care and support to orphans and vulnerable children.

It also will ensure provision of optimal care and support through coordination, planning, management and implementation.

Drafting of the policy document and work commenced in 2007 and the final draft which was completed in September, 2008 is awaiting passing of the Children’s Bill by Parliament. Allocation for the Policy was P 408, 250.00. Once the Bill is passed in parliament, drafting of the Cabinet memorandum will commence. The Plan is to start implementation of the new Policy by end of 2009/10.

Formulate and review policies: Review of the Children’s Act (1981)

The Children’s Act of 1981 was reviewed to ensure Botswana’s commitment to the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. This was to ensure human rights based approach to law reform in children’s legislation.

The Review was also intended to ensure the involvement of families and communities in the protection of the well-being of children.

P 200,000.00 was allocated for the drafting of the Children’s Bill and work commenced in 2007. A Cab memo was submitted to Cabinet in December 2008. Publication of draft Children’s Bill in the Government Gazette was on 09 January 2009. The Bill was tabled before Parliament on 02 February 2009. Further instructions on Child Protection Regulations to the Attorney General’s chambers are being drafted.

Hope this has been informative...

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